Thao Mai

Thao Mai

Content Writer

Hometown and current city: Hanoi, Vietnam
Currently a student at Foreign Trade University

Find me in what I write!

I aspire to capture every single beauty of Hanoi – the old days and the new ones – with my pens and papers. I would love to store my feelings when walking through bustle and narrows alleys or streets, when coming by tons of food stores with amazing aromas of the city’s delicacies, and when catching sight of a leaf leaving its branch as the autumn sets in. Taking photos may not be enough as time flees memories fade away – we no longer remember exactly how we felt at that moment. I, therefore, choose to keep all those invaluable senses by noting them down, in other words, becoming a writer of my own. *laughs*

My favorite Quote: “ After all, tomorrow is another day.” ― Katie Scarlett O’Hara ( Gone with the Wind -Margaret Mitchell)

Check out some travel guides to different cities in Vietnam written by me below:

Yen Bai Province Travel Guide

Check out some other featured travel posts written by me: