Saigon’s Turtle Lake: Street Food Destination
Pop up question! If you are a traveler first time coming to Saigon, what should definitely be in your rucksack? Some clothes? Sure! A camera? Absolutely! Money? I don’t see why not! A tourist guidebook?
Nope, you can leave that out.
Tourist guidebooks might be useful if you are visiting Saigon for its attractions, its historical monuments, and other boring places where people flock for holiday pictures. They are not really useful if you want to breathe the same air as Saigonese people, eat the same food as Saigonese people, or better, party like Saigonese people. If you are coming to Saigon looking for the most authentic experience, skip anything that looks too touristy and instead, start at Turtle Lake.
Undoubtedly one of the most popular places where Saigon youths hang, Turtle Lake abounds with story reflecting the various yet authentic aspects of life in the city. Just don’t shy away from striking up a conversation with the people there and you are sure to hear the most fascinating stories about Saigon and hopefully, be able to love it the way the locals do. What’s even more exciting about Turtle Lake is the street food it offers. Although there are over dozens of dishes, here are three must-tries for the most time-pressed visitors:
First is the much famed Bánh tráng nướng, a.k.a “Vietnamese pizza”, which is a Da Lat signature made with a Saigonese twist! Instead of eating Bánh tráng nướng to fend off the cold like in Da Lat, Saigonese people like to enjoy the dish spicy to sweat off the heat. With a layer of fried eggs, topped by a layer of celery, topped by another layer of fried pig skin, fried meat, dried shrimp, all packaged neatly on the rice paper, what should be expected of each bite is an explosion of flavors encompassing the eater’s palate, imprinting its remarkable taste upon the toughest food critics. With at least three years of experience, the streetfood artisans around this area welcome large numbers of customers every day so you can get a Vietnamese pizza for as cheap as a dollar!
Next on the list is another member of the rice paper family – rolled rice paper! If you have tried Vietnamese rice paper salad, then this dish is made of basically the same ingredients but the catch is that everything comes in rolls! Made with the vendors’ love, care, and a whopping amount of mayonnaise sauce, rice paper rolls is no second fiddle to Vietnamese pizza; some say it’s more delicious. So what’s the final verdict? We’ll leave it to you to try both dishes and figure it out yourself!
If all this eating underneath Saigon’s scorching heat is too unbearable, quickly grab some ultimate-body-temperature-regulator iced lemon tea! A concoction of kumquat juice, lemon juice, sugar water, and tea, just a sip of this drink will undoubtedly blow all the heat away, leaving you with even more appetite to try other Turtle Lake specialties like fried corns, fishballs, and many more!
Of course, it’s no fun to only read about all this food and have your stomach growling so feel free to visit Saigon and try out Turtle Lake’s specialties whenever you can, we’re open 24/7!
Photos by Phuc Nguyen
Words by Dang Nguyen
I love visiting the “real” side of a city, not just the touristy locations, so this is awesome! The Vietnamese Pizza sounds delicious!!
oh the iced lemon tea sounds perfect for hot weather. I try really hard to research local eats whenever we are traveling. Makes for such a better experience!
Ok now I am hungry, thanks. I would love to live or visit a place where this is the norm.
This all looks so yummy! I love Asian food, and Saigon looks like a wonderful place to visit!
I never really thought about going to Vietnam before, it looks beautiful though. May need to add it to my want to do list.
Love the Turtle Lake, I totally agree, if you want to experience the authentic life like local people, skip touristy places and go for the local street food and less visited places. Love the images!
Wow the street food there looks amazing! Especially the Vietnamese pizza! I’ve never heard of “sweating off the heat” before! Does that work?
This looks like it would be such a neat place to visit, and the food looks so good! I hope to one day be able to travel there and experience the non-touristy places.
authentic experiences are worth so much more to me than the touristy stuff too!!
Oh yum these street vendors look like they have amazing food for sale. I love the sights and sounds of Vietnam.
Vietnamese streetfood is the best. I love bánh tráng trộn the most. I would highly recommend this dish to anyone who hasn’t tried!