Nhat Tao Electronics Market in Saigon
Tech geek and nostalgic? Nhat Tao – Nhật Tảo street in Saigon is for you.
Nhat Tao street is usually called ‘the electronics market’ by the Saigoneers. It is actually the biggest secondhand electronic devices market in Saigon. All of the small electronics shops and vendors selling goods appear on the both sides of the street.
You can find secondhand items such as camera lenses, zippos, adapters, television remotes and so on.
Lots of electronic items are piled up in on the ground. The street is always crowded with people coming up and bargaining every day.
There is a Thống Nhất soccer stadium nearby, also there are some small street food stalls around for you to boost up your energy after a tiring day of going to the busy street.
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Photos and words by Khoi Nguyen
Looks like a big market for electronics. Must be having lots of varieties in there. Thanks for sharing
Nhat Tao street looks like a fantastic place to explore. I know my Son would love to go to an Electronics market.
Nhật Tảo street in Saigon sounds like a great place for electronics fans to visit. I personally have never been out of the US myself.
I’ve become a fan of your blog and keep coming back! Love the style in which you write and take the pictures. It’s so personal and shows the places as they are. I don’t like the typical touristy style of picture taking and you make it seem like you get a glimpse of the surroundings through the eyes of a local. Really appreciate it.
The electronics market is fun for gadget freaks.. I think I need to rush to SAIGON.
Seems like a very popular and hectic place to hang out. I’m curious, you said that they sell second hand electronics, right? Where do they get their merchandise from?
Oh wow, i had no idea about that!!! my husband would loooove that
Really does seem like such a large marketplace for electronics! I had never heard about this place before, but it seems very interesting! Thanks for sharing!
this market familiar to the Cho Gioi market in hanoi. It sell the same thing but I find more interested in this one, because maybe I live in Hanoi 🙂
This place look so vibrant and crowed. I have not come to Nhat Tao before, but I will really book a visit soon.
Thanks for sharing!
This place looks so vibrant and crowed. I have not come to Nhat Tao before, but I will really book a visit soon.
Thanks for sharing!
I never know Nhat Tao is a market for electronics device since it seems strangely crowded and noisy. I’m rather sure that I can find a lot of useful stuff here. I just hope that you would provide a little more information, but thanks for sharing anyway.