Where to go in District 7, Saigon?
District 7, although being quite far from the center, has many great places that you should check out.
Artinus – 3D Art Gallery
Possessing more than 4000 square meters and hundreds of 3D artworks, Artinus 3D Art Gallery is probably one of the largest and the most interesting “museums” in Vietnam. The whole gallery is split into nine zones with different themes and different experiences such as Aqua Zone where you immerse yourself into the deep ocean with bizarre creatures; Masterpiece Zone where you may interact with characters or become the main one in popular paintings of Van Goth, Botticelli, and Michelangelo; Vietnam Zone where you can admire the most majestic nature picture and soar into the air alongside eagles, et cetera. Therefore, don’t forget to bring cameras with you!

Prices: (Weekdays) 9 USD; (Weekends & Holidays) 11 USD
Opening hours: (Weekdays) 09:00 AM – 06:00 PM; (Weekends & Holidays) 09:00 AM – 8:00 PM
Address: 02 – 04 Street 9, Him Lam New Urban Area, Tan Hung ward, District 7, Saigon.
Phone: (08) 629 837 67
Website: http://artinusvn.com/
“Vietopia is a small city for our kids’ dreams”, said a young father in a review about this place. At this center, your kids will participate in role-playing activities whereby they earn some Vidos (Money of Vietopia), which can be used to attend some games or purchase some cool stuffs there. There are more than 70 occupations with about 100 activities for your kids to choose such as news editor, electrical engineer, flight attendant, milk factory worker, et cetera. If your kids are older than 8, you can leave them to explore the city on their own. There are cafeteria, restaurants, coffee shops, and a shopping mart nearby. Otherwise, it seems to be the only downside that you, the parents, cannot join the games with your children and have to wait. But this waiting is worthwhile, isn’t it?
Please remember to have a look at Vietopia’s website to check whether the place opens or not on a specific day.

Opening hours: (Weekdays) 8:00 AM – 4:00 PM; (Weekends) 9:00 AM – 7:00 PM
Address: #02 – 04, Street 9, Tan Hung ward, district 7, Saigon.
Crescent Lake Park & Starlight Bridge
Crescent Lake Park & Starlight Bridge are two new popular spots of Saigon. After a long day at work, isn’t it the best to take a stroll in this lovely park? The park is located right next to a river so the air is always cool and fresh. On the weekends, the lights from the bridge come on and sometimes there are light and water shows which attract a lot of locals and tourists. Moreover, there is a grand flower festival being held here every Tet holiday.

Address: #111 Ton Dat Tien, Tan Phong ward, District 7, Saigon.
South Saigon Park
This is a small, narrow but beautiful park which is surrounded by many coffee shops and restaurants. In the center, there is a long lake that meanders gently through the park. Take a stroll then sit down by the lake to enjoy this peaceful atmosphere.

Address: Street C, Tan Phu ward, District 7, Saigon.
Thank you for the wonderful post